
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

May Vacay

Oh wow. What a trip we had! Yesterday we returned home from a 5 day rendezvous in Florida. If I had to sum up each day (excluding travel) with one phrase, it would go something like this:

Day 1: Laughing and baking
Day 2: Celebrating life
Day 3: Church and family time
Day 4: Boating and sunshine

I mean, how much better could it get? I got to spend really good quality time with my best friend and parents. It was a little hard to come home this time. They say home is where the heart is. It's really true. I know that David and my boys are really where I want to be, no matter the location. On the other hand, the rest of my family is separated by 800 miles. My heart starts to feel divided. I always feel like I'm leaving someone behind. I've always known how important family is, but the older I get, the more I realize how important it is to ME. To all you out there who have most everyone you love close by, cherish it. It really is a gift. For now, I'll do the best with what I have. This trip, I really soaked up the time I had with my family.

Heidi, Lincoln, and Mike are now a part of my family. I've learned that family members aren't just those who share the same blood or genetic make-up. Family are the people who invest in your life and who are present and available no matter what. Heidi and I have been through a lot together. I couldn't imagine missing Lincoln's first birthday, so I talked David into making the trip with me ;) The party was adorable. Heidi did and great job, and the main man was flippin adorable.

 From the second we made it to Florida, Parker was bent on going fishing again. We went the morning after our arrival and he had a blast again. There is just something so peaceful about a lake in the morning.

We got a group shot after church on Sunday...yes, I'm wearing the same dress. I don't know what went wrong in my mind when I was packing this trip. I only brought one dress, two shirts, and two pairs of shorts. If anyone knows me, this is totally not my style. I usually pack my whole closet. I think the whole minimalistic mindset is taking over...or maybe I was just tired. Who knows?
 This next picture is a perfect representation of a saying I saw on Pinterest.
 Graham looks as though he had been eating the dirt.
 We took the boat out on Lake Weir on Memorial Day. It was perfect weather. Lake Weir has so many places to swim and of course, Gator Joe's. We actually looked for somewhere else to eat lunch, but as far as we could see, there was no other restaurant. Fine with me. The boys love being out the boat and played in the water until we made them quit. They were worn out!

My boys are insanely good travelers. I'm serious. Half the time, you don't even know they are back there. Well, the way home proved to be a little more difficult. I'm sure it was still easy compared to trips with some other rascals out there, but Graham made me turn around 15 dozen times. Chula, however was an angel ;)
 Come back tomorrow for a garden update. You will not believe how well my plants are doing! My black thumbs are turning green. Woo to the hoo!


Heidi said...

You are definitely a part of our family! Lincoln is lucky to have an Aunt Stephanie! Thank you for being willing to drive 14 hours with 2 kids & a chihuahua. Thank you for teaching me & helping me bake. I couldn't have made the party happen without you! I will try to return the favor in August!

Anonymous said...

Great post once again. We had a blast with you and your family. It was harder on us this time as well - to say good bye, I mean. Our home is sooooo quiet. Your next trip will not come soon enough. Love you Momma