Mondays aren't always the greatest day mentally for stay-at-home-moms. You have to face the fact that full-time reinforcements (aka-the hubby) will not be on active duty for five more days. Evenings are great and I have a very hands-on husband who I don't really think can be beat in the "helpful daddy" category, but nonetheless Mondays can really put me a grumpy mood.
I'm not going to let that happen today. I'm going to talk about how great (not to be confused with exciting) my weekend was. Friday, David surprised me by coming home early form work. Yay! We enjoyed the beautiful weather outside with the boys.
After putting the boys to bed, David and I just chilled on the couch and caught up on some DVR. Then we crashed early. (Yes, Graham is in his bath-seat in the swimming pool:)
Saturday, we got up and went to the Charleston East-end yard sale. It's the the mother of all yard-sales. There are streets and streets of yard-sales in Charleston's historic district. If nothing else, you can take a beautiful walk up and down the streets admiring the fabulous homes. I was on a mission for more milk glass. I didn't get lucky with any new plates, but found a couple more vases. Our friend Tabitha came with us and we were so glad to finally spend some time with her. She hung around later and played one of my favorite games with us, Dutch Blitz. It's addicting and I love it. Later David and I went to Panera and Toy-R-Us. It's harder to get David out of that store than Parker. Men NEVER grow up when it comes to toys. All of you wives know what I'm talking about.
Sunday was Mother's Day (in case you forgot) and it was my third. I had a great day, but laughed the whole day about how not too much was different even if it was a day to celebrate my place in the family. I'm sure it gets different as your children get older, but a two year old and 8 month old think that the world revolves around them every day, Mother's Day or not. Instead of me, Graham got breakfast in bed. I refused to get up before 7:00 and he was hungry at 6:30. During Young Adults held at our house last night, David had a discussion on mothers. Where was I? Sitting in the room enjoying the sweet comments about moms? Nope. I was getting the boys ready for bed. So typical. Like a mom could ever sit down in her own house to have a Bible study. What was I thinking? Anyway...once the boys were down (in Parker's case, down, peed, down, had a drink of water, down, pooped, down, bored, and finally down) I was able to join the discussion. Then we played more Blitz. Does my competitive husband show any mercy since it's my day? Nope. He won three times. Just wait until Father's day. I'll make sure we play Scrabble.
Anyway, I'm not complaining. I'm just saying we mothers rock.